Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Account Names

In the last blog we looked at the 2 level Sankey Diagram. I had promised to show you an update to it that made it much more useful, but I decided to save that until next time. The reason is that I thought of a common security problem that warrants discussion. Since this is also a security blog, I thought we can take a pause on the data science and talk security.

The problem
If you have a computer on the internet it's just a fact of life that your system is being pounded constantly by people trying to login. So, what accounts do they go after?

To solve this problem, we need a script to gather information.

echo "ACCT" > $tfile

for log in /var/log/btmp*
        lastb -w -f $log | head -n -2 | awk '{ printf "%s\n", $1 }' >> $tfile

Save it and run it as root.

[root@webserver]# vi get-acct
[root@webserver]# chmod +x ./get-acct
[root@webserver]# ./get-acct
[root@webserver]# wc -l acct.csv
942453 acct.csv

OK. So, let's pull this into RStudio for some analysis. What we want to do is see what the most often used accounts are. Let's run the following script:


a <- read.csv("~/R/audit-data/acct.csv", header=TRUE)
a$one <- rep(1,nrow(a))

acct <- aggregate(a$one, by=list(a$ACCT), FUN=length)
colnames(acct) = c("acct", "tries")
account <- arrange(acct, desc(tries))

Run it. Now let's see what the 50 most popular accounts are:

> head(account, n=50)
            acct  tries
1           root 866755
2        support  10315
3          admin   7856
4           user   1904
5           ubnt   1469
6              a   1436
7           test   1324
8          guest    966
9       postgres    525
10            pi    496
11        oracle    463
12       ftpuser    425
13       service    369
14        nagios    314
15       monitor    287
16 administrator    246
17        backup    240
18           git    213
19     teamspeak    212
20          sshd    193
21       manager    184
22     minecraft    180
23           ftp    179
24         super    169
25       student    168
26        ubuntu    166
27        tomcat    160
28         ADMIN    158
29        zabbix    158
30           ts3    154
31      testuser    152
32          uucp    150
33           adm    145
34      operator    144
35      PlcmSpIp    144
36          alex    140
37    teamspeak3    140
38        client    138
39       default    138
40          info    126
41        telnet    126
42           www    124
43        hadoop    123
44        upload    120
45           fax    118
46            ts    118
47     webmaster    118
48       richard    112
49        debian    110
50      informix    110

So, what does this mean?

1) Do not allow root logins. Ever. Period.
2) Do not make an account based on a job function
3) Do not make an account based on a service name
4) Make sure all service accounts cannot be logged into
5) Do not make an account based on your first name

So, how can we check for active accounts on the system? First, let's make sure everything uses shadowed passwords:

# awk -F: '$2 != "x" { print $1 }' < /etc/passwd

Any problems here should be fixed. Next we can check which accounts are active:

# egrep -v '.*:\*|:\!' /etc/shadow | awk  -F: '{ print $1 }'

If you see any services listed or simple names and the system is hooked up to the internet 24x7, you might want to look into it. If you use two factor authentication or keys, then you are also likely in good shape.

The real point of this was to show you how to check what accounts are getting hammered the hardest by people trying to get in.

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